Featured Service
Data Visualizations
What questions are you trying to answer? How do we "show" the answers in meaningful, comprehensible, and actionable ways? Data visualizations bring numerical or textual information together in ways to help educators, students, and caregivers. We provide a variety of data visualiz...
Building Resiliency
NEFEC Resiliency Hub
To help meet the physical safety and mental health needs of our students, NEFEC is honored to partner with FDOE to support districts with the implementation, coordination, and delivery of evidence-based support services and resiliency education.
Featured Event
Gifted Endorsement: FDLRS/NEFEC ONLY Guidance and Counseling for the Gifted
Monday, October 21 - Sunday, December 15, 2024
ONLY teachers from Baker, Bradford, Columbia, Flagler, Hamilton, Lafayette, Madison, Putnam, St. Johns, Suwannee, and Union Counties and teachers from the FSDB may take this course. The Guidance and Counseling of Gifted Students module provides an overview of the theory, research, practical str ...